photography of mosque buildings

Concrete Materials and Quality

At G&W, we provide comprehensive services in analyzing concrete and its materials to ensure optimal performance and compliance with quality standards. Our expertise includes detailed examination of concrete composition, evaluating its strength, durability, and compatibility with project requirements. We also specialize in assessing concrete cracks and damages, identifying their causes, and providing tailored solutions to restore structural integrity. These services ensure that every project meets the highest standards of safety, durability, and sustainability.
Quality of aggregates for concrete and road construction

Analysis of concrete and concrete materials

X-ray diffraction of dolostone
X-ray diffraction of dolostone
Dolostone not suitable as aggregate-high water absorption-low crushing strength, low density
Dolostone not suitable as aggregate-high water absorption-low crushing strength, low density
X-ray diffraction of dolomite
X-ray diffraction of dolomite
Dolostone not suitable as aggregate-high water absorption-low crushing strength, low density
Scanning microscope of Dolomite
Light microscope of Portland cement
Light microscope of Portland cement
X-ray diffraction of dolostone
X-ray diffraction of dolomite
Explanation of Concrete Cracks and Damages, and Determination of Salt Content in Cement

Concrete Cracks and Damages

Chemical attack on concrete cover
Chemical attack on concrete cover
Concrete crack
Concrete crack
Chemical attack on concrete cover
Concrete crack
Quality of aggregates for concrete and road construction

Concrete Quality

Ettringite chemical
Ettringite chemical
X-ray of Thumasite
X-ray of Thumasite
Ettringite is a normal reaction product of the sulphate attack in concrete.
Thaumasite is reaction product of sulphate attack of cement a of limestone cement at low-temperature
Accelerating admixtures work in the opposite manner from retarding admixtures, decreasing the set time of concrete.

Inorganic admixtures for concrete

Granulated blast furnace slag
Granulated blast furnace slag
Granulated blast furnace slag